Thursday, 21 February 2013

Tears Before 7am

After getting back from a morning walk, trying to change who I am, because I'm fat. Because people have told me so since I was 8. Because I quit Ballet because I didn't look like the other girls. Because I never let on how the taunts hurt me. Because I was the girl who smiled and shrugged it off. Because I wasn't the girl who cared what people thought. Because I sought love from strangers to validate my beauty. Because I found a man who loves me even though I'm flawed. Because when I was pregnant with all my babies, the Doctors insisted on monitoring my healthy babies closely because I was fat. Because I left every antenatal appointment in tears, and my confidence of being a good mother was shattered. Because I watch the Biggest Loser and they say that they can't keep up with their children, because they're fat.

I came home, to this, posted by a friend. Posted by someone who knows what this is like.

Please, watch it. Watch it when you have time to cry. Don't keep reading, unless you've watch it, thought about it, shared it.

Sara wrote, that this deserves to go viral. It does.

This is my important part.

And they'll never understand that she's raising two kids, whose definition of beauty begins with the word Mom. Because they see her heart, before they see her skin. Because she has only ever, always been amazing.

What a morning. Sometimes things just confront you when you don't expect it.

What was your part. What are your thoughts?


  1. It is a very moving story Alisha as well as the video. I was bullied at school due to my bad acne. Recently with my depression I have battled weight gain and had to put up with stares and jibes.Only last weekend I visited my 2nd cousin to see how she was holding up with her husband very sick. Two of her sons were there and all they were interested in was grabbing my stomach and reminding me yet again of my burnt white sauce I made once at their place. It takes a lot of guts to take the pic of yourself this morning.

    1. Is this freddo from the old dsu/basc liverpool?
